Gallup StrengthsFinder™ for scientific teams

The Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment (also called CliftonStrengths) is a powerful online tool for identifying individuals’ key strengths across 34 work related domains.
StrengthsFinder helps you to understand your key abilities, and how you can make your biggest and most effective contribution at work.
But it really comes into its own as a tool for helping to improve productivity and collaboration skills within teams.

Combining results from an entire team paints a vivid picture of the distribution of skills and talents it possesses. During a team workshop, we can help you use this knowledge to understand yourselves and each other better, and to develop new approaches to collaboration that play to your strengths. 

How knowing your strengths helps you and your team

The self-knowledge provided by a Gallup StrengthsFinder™ assessment is invaluable in helping individuals understand where they can make the most effective contribution to their team. But working with strengths doesn’t just make people more productive, studies have found it boosts their engagement and levels of satisfaction at work too.

As a team manager, understanding the strengths of your colleagues provides you with the key to unlocking their full potential. By ensuring responsibilities are allocated to the best person for each task and that collaborators have the right mix of talents, you can make the very best of those around you and maximise the effectiveness of your team. 

A measurable impact

Gallup StrengthsFinder™ has been developed and refined in the light of extensive research that shows the importance of strengths-based development for engagement, performance and lower rates of staff turnover.

Can your team afford not to realise these kinds of performance gain?

Increase in

7% - 23%

Increase in

8% - 18%

Decrease in

20% - 73%

Evidence base

The benefits of a strengths-based approach are manifold, encompassing wellbeing, job satisfaction and team cohesion, as well as performance. Numerous peer reviewed studies have helped to establish these impacts, including:

Enhanced team satisfaction, cohesion, and performance when focusing on strengths: 
Dubreuil, P., Forest, J., Gillet, N., Fernet, C., Thibault-Landry, A. and Crevier-Braud, L. (2019). Facilitating positive team dynamics: A strengths-based intervention. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(5), 345-362.
Link: Promoting positive outcomes through strengths interventions: A literature review: The Journal of Positive Psychology: Vol 13, No 6 (

Higher work engagement, productivity, and performance when aligning work with strengths: 
Lavy, S. and Littman-Ovadia, H. (2017). My better self: Using strengths at work and work productivity, organizational citizenship behavior, and satisfaction. Journal of Career Development, 44(2), 95-109.
Link: My better self: Using strengths at work and work productivity, organizational citizenship behavior, and satisfaction. (

Personal growth and development, including improved self-confidence, goal-setting, and reaching full potential through strengths:
Clifton, D. O. and Harter, J. K. (2003). Investing in strengths. Positive Organizational Scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline, 111-121.

Link: WhitePaper–InvestingInStrengths.pdf

Above: A Gallup StrengthsFinder™ Assessment Team Strengths Grid

Understanding the mix of skills in your team can help everyone do a better job. It can also be useful when looking to recruit or develop staff: Which relevant skills are missing in your team?

How does the Gallup StrengthsFinder™ process work?

1. Initial chat

We’ll discuss your team’s background and what you’d like to achieve from using Gallup StrengthsFinder™, enabling us to tailor the work we do to your specific needs and objectives.

2. Take the online Gallup StrengthsFinder assessment

Team members take the online Gallup StrengthsFinder™ assessment to discover their top strengthsMangers can also receive an overall report describing the team's range of strengths.

3. Coaching call (optional)

The StrengthsFinder™ assessment can be followed by individual coaching calls that provides each team member with one-on-one time with our qualified coach. The aim of the call is to:

  • Develop team members' understanding of their top five strengths
  • Help them to identify how they use their strengths at work and how they can use them further
  • Discuss the ‘shadow side’ (weaknesses) of any of their strengths, how this can cause difficulties for themselves (and others) and how to manage these issues
  • Learn how to articulate their shadow sides and their impacts to team members and colleagues
  • Draw up a plan to actively put their strengths to work

4. Team Workshop

Finally, the team is brought together to dig into the StrengthsFinder™ results, with the goal of building greater understanding of each other's skills, talents and preferred ways of working. Through this process, the team will learn how to work more efficiently and happily together, and each individual will gain a greater appreciation of how they can make their best contribution to shared success. More details can be found below.

"Working with Cambridge Exec’s excellent coach we’ve gained a much greater appreciation of the mix of talents within our project teams. As well as being valuable self-knowledge in itself, this has helped us improve the way we allocate roles and responsibilities to make the most of team members’ strengths. It has also helped us successfully identify and fill ‘strengths gaps’, making for stronger and more well-rounded teams."
Craig Mills
CEO, Vizzuality

Team strengths workshop - outline

A Team Strengths Workshop can be delivered in-person at your offices or live online, and is facilitated by one of our expert trainers. It is a great way to help your team get to know each other’s talents and qualities better, and to identify how you can work together more effectively to deliver shared goals.

The precise aims of the workshop are determined in consultation with you, but a typical session will include opportunities to:

  • Consolidate your team’s understanding of their individual strengths
  • Provide an opportunity for everyone to share their top 5 strengths with the rest of the team
  • Increase your team’s self-awareness of the similarities and differences in the strengths of other team members
  • Discuss how team members can use their top five strengths at work
  • Articulate the reasons for similarities and differences in the preferred ways of working / decision-making / energy levels / pace / communicating etc. within the team
  • Discuss the negative or ‘shadow side’ of their strengths, and how and when they can cause difficulties for themselves, their team and others
  • Identify how to manage their ‘shadow sides’
  • Identify where their individual and team strengths fall into the four different categories of: Executing, Influencing and Relationship-building and Thinking – and understand the impact of this
  • Plan how individual strengths can work best together in future to achieve shared goals
Clients include:

More information and pricing

If you would like to learn more about how a Gallup StrengthsFinder™ Team Workshop could work for you, including costs and timescales, please get in touch to speak to one of our specialist consultants. 

To get an accurate quote for your team please just drop us an email or call on 0845 2260624 letting us know the size of your group and whether you would prefer a classroom or virtual workshop.